the gold rush was a lie
Ty had been running through the terrain of Phoenix Valley as he usually did, he didn't know why he enjoyed it so either, it was most likely because he felt he could clear his head simply rushing through the land, between forests and mountains, across fields and beaches, it's when he felt most free. He had even begun to develop something along the lines of 'parkour', a type of movement he read about on his sailing trips. He had learned a bit about it and really enjoyed it's practice, trying to meld that into his movement around different terrains. He excelled at the practice, mostly because of his light weight and lean build. He had even begun to develop techniques of switching between forms as he ran for further mobility, switching on the fly when he needed them. But now he had come to a slower trot, deciding to take in the beauty of the area instead of blow right through it.

Though he heard something nearby, something he didn't hear usually when he was by himself, or really at all. A small, groaning noise...was it...crying? Ty was curious, more curious then a young wolf should be, and began to follow the sounds. his ears twitching and moving to catch the sound better as he briskly slipped through the bushes and trees. When he did find what was making the noise, he halted in his tracks and a small bit of surprise splashed across his face. A black wolf, older than he, but still close to his age, was on a cliff, crying lightly. He didn't know this wolf, but he felt some sympathy for her. Why? Ty was a caring individual, although occasionally Jefferson's influence made him act like a jerk, but he was a good-natured person in general. Walking over to the black wolf, he knelt down and said to her calmly. "Excuse me miss, but I heard your crying from not too far away as I was passing...are you alright?"

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