From The Ground Up


The husky man before him seemed gruff and upset, forcing himself to talk about the topics that still stung him. Jac did not once assume that Leroy was uncomfortable because of the questions he was asking -- it was just because he didn't like his answers, right? Wolves and dogs both lived in packs; perhaps it was natural, but packs were not always symbiotic. "Mon ami, I think the very nature of a pack is selfish. The strongest prey upon the weak; it is a hierarchy of parasites. That is why ours is different -- we make an effort to treat each other as equals, unnatural as it may feel." And sadly, he believed what he said. Everyone, when it all boiled down, would act in their own interest before they would help someone else. It was the simple truth.

Oh... so that lent a little insight. Leroy had been tricked into unfaithfulness, and then Svara had tried to turn it around by seeking out her old flame... Firefly's ex-mate? That was why the Dahlian leader had chosen to mark Svara with a choice adjective after ripping her to shreds. The man had a sense of humor. This family got more twisted the more he learned about them, but the self-proclaimed king did not turn away. If anything, the soap opera drama only made him more interested in being a part of it.
"Well, if it's any consolation, I don't think she'll love the blue-eyed prick after this. Some women don't know what they've got, until they try to lose it..." He shrugged a shoulder, re-crossing his footpaws. Leroy claimed that monogamy didn't bring about guilt, but it certainly sounded like it did. If they hadn't sworn themselves to each other, then it wouldn't have broken their hearts to have tried a little "strange" on the side... but then again, Jac had never been able to wrap his mind around mateship. He was not a family man, and that was the only possible reason a male would remain with the same female for life, wasn't it?
"And with the way she acts around you now, even without remembering names or relationships, she still clings to you like you're the only person she sees. I think her subconscious is more certain about you than she seems to realize." He raised a claw to idly pick at his teeth. It felt like there was some venison stuck between his fangs.



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