living canvas
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Haven was patrolling the lands, longsword strapped across his back. Even though they were much safer now that they were an established pack with lands and borders, the knight wanted to be prepared in case anyone hostile did try to go after his packmates. He still was a novice when it came to combat, but he was learning. Training a little everyday. He needed to make some wooden practice swords and find someone to spar with on a regular occasion. That would be of the most help. But hopefully if he did run across anyone of the unfriendly variety the sight of the sword on his back would be enough to make them think twice about causing any trouble.

There was an old town that laid within their borders and he was wandering the streets of it now. It was much different than Halifax. Smaller for sure, but it wasn't as imposing either. It didn't have that same dark and foreboding feeling that the empty city did. It was more quaint and welcoming here. The silence was broken by a protesting door a few blocks to his side and he quickly jogged over to make sure that nothing was wrong. He doubted anything was, but he wasn't a very good protector if he didn't check it out.

There was a cart loaded up outside a parlor of some sort. He peeked inside, seeing a bunch of different bottles and stuff that all had a very strong odor to them. Haven's nose crinkled and then he moved to look inside the shop. The sight of Firefly greeted him, looking into one of the glass counters of the place. "Hello Firefly," he greeted softly. He walked into the store, doing his best to avoid sneezing from all the dust in the air.


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