Change is hard, I should know

It was impossible to stay mad or be upset with her sister. She knew that Amata didn't have a mean bone in her body, all she wanted to do was to play and have fun with her. Besides Cambria really wasn't the type to get mad about anything. She was very passive and would rather run to the shelter and protection of her parents than confront anybody. "Is okies," she said smiling back at her sister and her little brown tail wagged in unison. "Yahs! I wikes it. Is all so preddy." She liked pretty things. And she wasn't afraid to be outside right here. She was confident that nothing bad could happen to her in the shadow of the mansion. It was one of her rocks in this bright new world that could be so uncertain.

Amata was always good at winning wrestling games, so when she was able to shove her sister off she felt a sense of accomplishment. The chocolate pup rolled back onto her feet and giggled at the sight of her toppled over sibling. The girl's eyes locked onto the butterfly. She wondered what it must feel like to be able to float through the air like that. It must be pretty fun, but the butterflies were so light they could be carried away on the breeze. That thought scared the girl and she quickly pushed it from her mind. This was the only place she wanted to be. Her sister's exclamation snapped her out of her reverie and she turned to her. Cambria's unique eyes lit up at the suggestion. "Thas a gweat idears Amatas!" Giggling she bounded after her sister and follow suit jumping up to try and grab the insect. Wouldn't momma be so proud and happy if they brought her the butterfly?


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