gone fishing
Ty's nose is what woke him up first, he could smell the fish cooking over the fire. He woke up with his mouth watering, but the rest of the body didn't move quite as fast. He could hear the others talking about how they were and where they came from, it was an interesting start of a conversation. As he slowly rose to a sitting position, he tired to be quiet so they wouldn't get disrupted in their conversation.

He looked to Rendall, who said she was a new pup of Phoenix Valley, nothing too big, but still nice to know. He was curious of how long she's been a member, but decided to remain silent. Ty was usually quite the chatterbox, but seeing as how he just woke up, it wasn't like he was very able to speak correctly just yet, so he listened.. His ear twitched lightly as he continued to listen, his strangely colored eyes darting between each person, still trying to regain focus.

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