Now he's dead
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It felt like the world came crashing down on her shoulders. Alexey’s head throbbed as she tried to make sense of it all. Her protégé’s explanation was cut short; the Lilium had scared him and then what? Deep down she knew it was a lie, but she also understood why Conor avoided pinning the blame on his father. Haku controlled both of his sons like puppets on strings, just like he did with everybody else. She too, feared him to a certain extent. The Acer could only imagine what he’d done to the little boy; it had gotten physical, obviously. Conor certainly hadn’t given himself a nosebleed! “It’s okay, honey.” she murmured, wrapping both of her arms around his shivering body.

Both of the pup’s parents were incapable morons. Haku wanted nothing to do with them, and Firefly was too much of a ditz to insure their safety. They had become a hazard to their son’s mental health. “You’re not going back there,” she assured him, nuzzling the top of his head affectionately. Her voice was calm and collected, nothing like the raging storm inside of her. It became painfully obvious that she had no control over the Lilium, and it nearly drove her over the edge. She’d worked so hard to mend Conor’s broken heart and every time he actually made some progress, his own father would take it upon himself to traumatize him even more. Was this a game to him? “Stop crying Conor, please,” she pleaded, feeling her heart shatter with every sob escaping his tiny maw.


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