deep in my soul
Firefly had heard the soft rustle of the grasses as another seemed to have found her little world she'd escaped off to. Her ears twitched but didn't turn fully towards the owner who made the light movements behind her, knowing already by the scent just who it was. She let the younger woman come to her, knowing there was no point in leaving her post, she'd get there sooner or later, if it really was Firefly she was looking for.

When the voice finally hit her ears she turned slowly to gaze upon the girl, already knowing just what she was talking about but not wanting to hear an explanation. Perhaps she was afraid that Svara had really had what was coming to her when Haku had attacked, but something inside her reminded her that no one deserved just what he'd done to the girl. Her emerald orbs looked on the bruised and tattered form of the girl as she asked desperately, "Why did you have to prove anything to him!" She really wanted o know, the bastard had ruined lives over nothing and here Svara was trying to explain what had happened to her. There was nothing to explain, the damn bastard should have just walked away.

She couldn't help it as the hairs along her back prickled as she glanced away as Svara went on. She didn't want to think of the past, didn't want to think of the close encounters the girl had had, she just wanted the future before them and the present. There was only one thing she clung to from the past and that she would solve soon enough. Her voice was barely a whisper as she spoke, "You don't leave a friend behind.." Haku and the pack hadn't left her to rot in Inferni and yet Alexey, the one who'd come with DaVinci first and foremost had been the first to turn her back on her. She didn't want to remember.. but sometimes you just couldn't help it.

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