betting on the dice i'm tossing
Nodding, the black-furred malle melted away into the trees. His eyes continuously shifted from his path to his prey, and he began to saivate at the thought of biting into the thing's neck or ripping into it's stomach. He'd not eaten anything bigger than a turkey in months, since he'd been alone before joinging the pack. His ears swivveled as each new sound entered, though some he could not identify, for the majority of his focus was on the herd. His snout twitched intently as he followed the scent of the injured male that DaVinci had marked off as their quarry, and grinned eagerly as he noted that the wind was still blowing against them, taking their scents away from the elk.

Watching carefully to be sure that no twig or branch would snap and betray his position, he watched the male meader a short distance to the right, searching for juicier grass. Vuk's tail waved like a banner behind him as he waited impatciently for some indication that the others had reached their designated stations. Stretching his hind legs one at a time to loosen up his slightly stiff knees, he grimaced as he felt one of his muscles shift wrong. Fortunately, it was the kind of thing that wouldn't hurt until the next day. He kept his eyes peeled for a signal.

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