the gold rush was a lie
((I see...but keep in mind, this is based on his vision and he's not too good at judging))

Ty responded to the girl's question with a pondering stare. "Well...I guess, occasionally..." He replied lightly, not to sure what she meant by the question. Sure, he had troubles where he couldn't get people to notice him, but it wasn't heart-shattering or anything. He cocked his head to one side and calmly walked closer to the black female. He was concerned, what made her so upset? It wasn't physical pain, at least that was a good sign, somewhat. His sympathy overcame his other thoughts as he walked closer. Eventually he got close enough to sit down next to her, not exactly one for just leaving things like this alone. Ty was mentored by Jefferson, sure, and had many traits that his mentor had. However, he had one trait since childhood, compassion, the guy had no reason to come and ask Mirette what was wrong, it's just what his gut told him to do.

"Look...I'm not going to ask what's wrong, nor am I going to pretend to understand your reason for being upset..." Ty began, still trying to be cautious and tactful with his words as he gave a warm, calming smile. "But I can offer you...don't take this the wrong way...a shoulder to cry on and some comfort." He said sincerely, trying to stay out of her personal bubble for now if she was uncomfortable. although, he did ask "What's your name, anyway?"

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