She wants to be like the water

indent Her mother hadn’t been denied solely because she looked like a wolf. Gabriel didn’t trust her, and did not trust the way she spoke about his brother. Vitium had been many things, but he had never taken after a woman. White fur did not suit well against the sand, and would have hindered them during hunts, war, and such. She was a target. She was a threat. Gabriel, despite his un-coyote like appearance, had earned his place here.
indent “Because she’s my mate,” he stated bluntly, finally filling up. He lifted his head, licked the excess blood from his face, and stepped away, burying his muzzle in the snow. It cleaned it off well enough, and with his belly now full, the hybrid settled in another patch of snow. The snow, as it began to melt under his heat, turned red. “You can have whatever’s left of that,” he offered.


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