Change is hard, I should know
Poor puppies that don't understand they can't snap at bugs and have them live XD

Cambria nodded her head at her sister. Amata was really smart, so she had to be right about the bug. Maybe it had gotten stunned or something when her sister caught it. Yeah. That had to be it. It would wake up soon and then they could all play together and everything would be great! She couldn't wait for the butterfly to wake up! Her little tail began to wag again. She hoped the butterfly would understand them. That they just wanted to play with her and didn't want to hurt her. She'd decided that the bug had to be a she. It was so pretty there was no way it could be a guy. But she had never seen any butterflies that looked like boys. Were there any? Or were they all girls? That puzzled the pup. "I tink is a girls, dun' yous? A guys wouldn' be so preddy wights?" It seemed like perfect logic to her. Girls were pretty and guys were handsome and the butterfly was definitely pretty instead of handsome.

The Marino child nodded her head again. "Yahs, we finds her later. We shoulds tells butterfwie aboots momma!" Then maybe it would get excited about meeting their mother and wake up and move around again! Cambria laughed as Amata ran around in a circly thing. Her sister's energy was infectious. The pup yipped excitedly at her sister's proclamation of friendship to the butterfly. "Yahs butterfwie! We's wants ta be yer fwiends! An' we's wants ya to meets our momma!" She bounced a little bit on the toes of her large feet. "You'll loves our momma butterfwie, just like we does! She's so pretty an' smarts an' nices an' evewyting good!" It was impossible to not like their mother!


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