and now, reality.


........Unfortunately, the walk back to the mansion was long. Her four legged form kept a high pace, but she wondered if he would still be there by the time she reached the large property. The girl had yet to run into Enigma, which she was fairly certain had arrived not too long after her, by the lingering scent that more often than not hinted about his presence. Her sand coloured brother had yet to make an appearance nor call for her, so Halo had shuffled him out of her mind, as she usually had better things to do, investigating the territory in detail and roaming around to check out the neutral lands. So far she had been able to count five pack lands (the fifth was rather fresh), and she felt depressingly outnumbered.

........Ears perked forwards as she closed in on her destination, just in time to take in Jael’s last, cool words, which were no doubt meant for Enigma. A last swing around the corner, and there they were, her two male siblings. For a moment the girl seemed to hesitate, but her swift moves thereafter made amends for that split moment of nothing. At once she was by their sides, tail wagging contently behind her in a slightly childish manner. In the past she would have brushed up against them, but those times lay in the past together with the childhood that she was working to get rid of. A slightly arrogant gaze in a fiery ruby colour caught a quick overview of the two males. They had not changed a bit. ”Hey, boys, fighting already?” she sang out smoothly, a light accusing tone lingering in the flower scented air.


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