From The Ground Up


[hmm what should they do now?]

His arms and back flexed with each hit of the sharp axe as it cut into the tree, it's bark and outer layers giving way to the power and force of the axe. It was like a prey and predator, the tree crying under it's attack to be used for its food. Though in this cause it wasn't food, it was wood and that would was going to be a house,a floor, a wall, and a bed. The handle was held tight in his clawed grip as his arms swiftly moved agian letting the axe's blade cut into the tree, the hard thud broke away as his arms as shoulders pulled the tool back out once again. Showing the lighter center that was hidden under the dark bark.

Jac's voice made his ears flicker, a small grin appearing on his maw though he didn't answer. That man was very impatient or work was like a virus in his eyes. Hybrid's chest rattled with a chuckle as it quickly finished up the tree, his strength an the new tool has speed up the process much more then it would have normally taken. A snarl like grin came on his maw as the husky looked at the cut before parting his legs for a better swing, arms pulled back like two coils before quickly releasing themselves. The axe brought a loud cracking sound as it went further into the wood then before. Leroy pulled the axe free before tossing it aside, no wasting a second the husky slammed his shoulder into the tree as he pushed forward with a snarl. This was always easier in his eyes when it came down to the end of it. A loud snap emitted as the tree fell in the direction of his push as it hit the ground with a thud, standing still Leroy looked over as Jac with a smile as his curly tail swayed behind him. "You know your habit to avoid work is going to become very infectious."
table by Syd


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