tabloid junkie [p.]

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Sorry for the delay D:


Ever since Cwmfen had left his apartment that day he had been doing his best to try and find Corvus before she would feel the need to go to him. And when the coyote became too frustrated with that search being fruitless he would come and wander the borders of Dahlia and watch her in case she went to leave for anywhere. So far nothing had happened, but that was putting him on edge more than anything else. He knew the time for something to happen was upon them, now it was just a waiting game. Usually Onus was a patient man, but his patience was beginning to wear thin. He wanted it over with, whether it turned out better or worse. He didn't want Cwmfen to have to worry about her father anymore for he knew how much distress that brought her. He wanted her to feel safe again.

It was early morning as he sat in the limbs in one of the trees on the outskirts of Dahlian land. Onus tried to stay hidden when he could. He knew if anyone saw him but Cwmfen they would be suspicious of the strange lone coyote patrolling outside their lands. They might even feel inclined to go tell that bastard Haku about it and that was the last thing that he wanted. Of course if the brown brute came and attacked him than whatever would happen to him would be his own fault. But the vigilante did not want to get in a fight. Not now. Not when the final fight with the crow wolf was hovering over him. He would need all his strength to succeed.

So far the morning had been uneventful, but soon his nose and ears told him someone was near. Hidden eyes searched out the wolf to see if it was Cwmfen. It was not however. It was a different female. Young from the looks of her and wearing a dress. His lover had told him about the wolf that was on the loose eating puppies. Not only that but the image of Mati flashed before his eyes and he knew he couldn't let the girl just wander around on her own. Sometimes he might not have bothered, but there were too many monsters about the lands to ignore it. With his own sort of rough grace he hopped down from the tree and looked over to the yearling. "It's dangerous out these days. You should be careful," the rough monotone called out.


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