the gold rush was a lie
Miriette hadn't even known why she'd asked the boy such a foolish question. She should have just told him to leave and let it be done with. She didn't need anyone's sympathy, the only thing she wanted was denied to her. She didn't even know if Jefferson admitted to any of the others that she was his daughter and for fear of his temper and retribution she didn't admit the truth either. She should have just left with her siblings when she had the choice but she hadn't and so she was here weeping like the willow and letting her emotions get the better of her. She was a sad case indeed.

..Yet thing just seemed to grow worse as the young male seemed to try and find a way beneath all the pain and burdens of knowledge unshared that she was buried under. She couldn't help but laugh bitterly as she once again dashed the tears from her eyes, those silvery orbs glancing at the boy as she admitted. "Yous can not fixs my wrongs.." Miriette didn't want to be rude but she knew it was true, this young male would know nothing of her dilemma and it was probably best to leave it thatway. She shook her head and sighed, wishing that she had some way of getting through to Jefferson yet knowing that every way seemed to be barred.

When the boy asked her name she sighed, wrapping her arms around her knees as she gave in finally, giving him some sortof answer that wasn't bitter and void of any real facts or useful information. "I'm Miriette..." she said with a sigh as she glanced at the boy, "Who you?" her strong accent thrashing her broken English as she eyed the golden silvery coyote.

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