I'm Searching, But They're Slipping Away...

Awoken at the first moment of light the Major General let bright blue eyes cast their first gaze upon the day behind her bedroom window. There was fog, a mist that covered the ground, a creation from the clash of the impending heat of the day and the chill of night. Her lean body walked through it; four paws treading over the well know territory lightly. Nights had been long, but for once Anu had let sleep come naturally, falling at the descent of the sun and rising as it did. The thick air parted, once the god she worshiped was perched among it’s pallid thrown. They cradled the orb, gently keeping aloft against a sky that matched her eyes.

Features hardened with a deep thought, Anu moved away from Haven Manor. Her destination was set, and her purpose defined. The land she called home had been without her diligence and watchful eye for a full night. Treading through the forest Anu did not indulge in the songs of welcoming fowl, not allow herself to pass through the crick that held the row of Spring Beauty Purslanes, or to visit the oldest trees that still stood root just beyond the small valley east of Rabbit Lake. She couldn’t allow herself such pleasures, as simple as they might seem.

The earth bound female carried her light form over a well-worn path, a patrolled boarder that stood as a solid recognition of their claimed land. Ears and nose to the wind, Anu found that the world had been disturbed. In an instant the fur that traced along her spine rose in defiance. Anu felt the air against her skin, and with head carried low and towards the ground she trailed the scent and tracked the disrupted foliage. The pack scent was obvious, Dahlia. It stung her nose and eased her heart. It fluttered, oddly as she mind idly drifted from the task at hand. It was feminine, but Anu could determine the scent she wanted from what was reality as simply as night and day.

Through bright vermilion foliage the woman found the beast that she sought. The woad woman was unlike anything she had ever seen. Painted as it one of her daughter’s drawings and moving with a grace that no Crimson Dreams wolf possessed. Anu calmed her heart, whose pounding had become thunderous at the scent of the flower pack. She made her presence know, and cerulean eyes caught the white that the other female held. Interesting indeed. Anu had made no effort to keep her approach silent, and did not look for shock or surprise in the other’s face. The flower tending General stood with the position that she held, tail and ears as tall as they deserved to be. Letting the silence surround them, as if allowing it to speak for either of them, she stood motionless. There must have been a reason, a question, a need. And the soft spoke woman was here to answer it.


this was made by Jame, <333

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