tabloid junkie [p.]

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Oh yeah, that's fine Smile And actually Onus jumped out of the tree XD


The man was slightly taken aback by the hostility the young girl threw at him. He didn't show it of course, but it was there underneath the cool composure and blank face. "Because it is true." Onus had grown accustomed to Mati and her quiet courtesy, which made the behavior of this youth even more abrasive than it would have normally been. Unlike the Church girl, who was cautious, it seemed this female was of the mind that she was invincible. That nothing bad could happen to her. He had run across other such youths in his many years, and they all usually got a rather rude awakening. No one was invincible it was just a matter of how long your luck ran. Sooner or later the harsh truth of this world caught up with them and put them down on the same level as everyone else.

The strong-headed Dahlian's tone of voice rose with indignation with almost every word that came out of her small mouth. Though he took the verbal assault. Never once did his face change to betray what was going on behind it in his mind. His hands stayed tucked in their respective pockets and his posture was erect but at ease. There was only one person that he let down his stony exterior for, and she was not here. "Only if you have done something wrong." Then, yes, she should be afraid of him. He doubted that she had, not at her age. Even if she had it would have been some petty crime of theft or other some such thing. Wrong still, and still deserving of some form of punishment. Nothing he would harm her for. At least not much. Her forwardness about his eye wrap was surprising. Most her age had the sense to not be rude. "It is a symbol." That was the easiest answer and his tone had deepened slightly, a subtle hint that she should leave her questions at that.

Apparently a simple warning of the dangers that lurked outside her home was not enough to phase this one. While she was being a little brat, that didn't mean that the vigilante wanted any harm to come to her. "There's a wolf out there who just tried to rape a girl your age. Would have if I hadn't stopped him. Sound like fun to you?" This wasn't a game. He was serious. If had known how many attacks on Dahlian members Corvus had made he would have listed those off too, though he was oblivious to those occurrences. Cwmfen had not mentioned any such attacks to him.


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