I'm Searching, But They're Slipping Away...
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The woad bound ears lifted at those words. The collard male. It was not something that she had heard often describing her father, but she had heard the phrase perhaps once in the referencing of her father. Swiftly, the woman sifted through the names of those that had suffered at her father’s jaws: Ezekiel, Onus, Slay, Tokyo, and Ril’o—but there had been another. Onus had told her of a young girl that had nearly been subjected to what her father had done to her within the land of ice and what her father now sought to do. The warrior wondered if this girl belonged here, to this pack called Crimson Dreams. Or, the woman thought, perhaps this woman with eyes like water knew the crow wolf through some other calamity. A quiet anger rose within the woman’s breast, distorting the tranquility of the calm waters of her soul. So many had suffered because of him—how many more had suffered without her knowing? The Dahlian Warrior could not longer wait for her father to seek her out. She had said it before and she knew it to be so now: he was waiting for her.

A quiet sigh escaped the woman, and for a brief moment she felt the weariness of her tired body. But it was not something that was not yet insurmountable. The black female nodded immediately. "Corvus Vendetta," the quiet melody confirmed. The black tail flickered behind her form. She saw the darkness that brewed within those eyes like an ocean storm, like a tempest. Strange and beautiful eyes. "He is one that I seek now—the other is Brennt, the devourer of puppies." The woman explained it quietly. It was something that had now consumed her life. And yet, at the same time, the warrior was almost glad of it. They satisfied the belligerent fire of her soul. But, at once, it frustrated her, for already she had failed to protect those of her pack. In each attack, she had been absent. A warrior should not have been absent in such times of needs, especially when it was the warrior that the enemy sought.

The white orbs sought the blue gaze. "How have you come to know him?" The warrior was already putting all of her power into the hunting of the two males, but she wished to know now in what way this woman knew her father. It was something that was felt a little more personally, for the woman knew that so long as she continued to resist her father’s silent summoning, others would suffer for it. The warrior was not one accustom to giving the enemy what was desired—often it began and ended with battle—but she knew that she must appear before the crow wolf even if she were to seek combat with him. The Dreams she had Dreamt had told her much and yet nothing. She new only that she must confront her father. Every warrior had to conquer their dragons, and Corvus Vendetta was her dragon. Once she had run from him, fleeing with fear in her heart. But now, she chose to stop, to turn and face him. She was tired of running.


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