Its been a while
OOC: It's no problem, really

"Sad? That's unusual, I don't remember him ever being really sad...but I don't remember much..." Ty said with a small frown as he itched the back of his head. He remembered his father as a happy person, with honor, dignity, and joy in his heart. Why on earth would he be sad? It baffled Ty, did it have something to do with Skylar? However, he didn't initially ask, he let it sit for a bit.

Ty had also found out how far apart he and his sister had grown. His sister had gone into the life of crime and piracy, killing and pillaging at the orders of her captain, and her mate. Most brothers or even kin would be angered, infuriated, but Ty was different. Ty understood a bit why his sister would go into that life, he to knew the temptations. He had seen many a good sailor go into piracy, easy money, take what you want, it was an ideal life for some. He mused at how he had not joined a pirate group and took the road of honesty...he began to wonder what would happen to him if he had become a pirate.

After a few more seconds he did speak up about it. "Why is dad upset?" He said in his informal way of speaking.

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