gone fishing
The pup walked along side of Ty and thougt about Da Vinci, she looked up at the wolf " Well after my mother had died, i had spent some wondering alone for a few weeks, but after a while i gave up, i remembered my mother telling me about this place,she had passed through it once and had said it was a wonderful place, so i traveled south in search of it, thats when i ran into the Pheonix Vally bounderies, and thats where your father found me and took me in."

She vivdly recalled how the silver male had been very kind to her and had given her food and shelter. Though during the warm seasons she loved to stay out side far more than inside "He gave me a place to stay and food to eat, but it is you and Pendzez and Xeris that truely make this place my home ." Ty was family to her, and she really hoped to see him again as she grew.

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