tabloid junkie [p.]
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Sorry it's a little short; I was posting in silence. ._. 341 words.

sit and listen, sit and listen

Eyes widening, Princess looked back at the stranger. “Why are you going to kill him? Is it because he’s bad, and keeps attacking people? You seem to recognize him and all. . . Who is he?” She paused, unsure if she really wanted to know the answer to her next question. “How come he attacks people?” The question was necessary, even though Princess was unlikely to appreciate the answer. Her mother had not said much about it, but she knew that her mother wouldn’t antagonize someone into attacking her. Tokyo Chance was beautiful and brilliant; she wasn’t going to do something stupid like make someone angry to the point that they attacked her. . . Right? The idea was not one she liked, but when she thought of it, it was probably something Tokyo could do. She did, after all, have one marvelous temper, and was as stubborn as her daughter.

The young girl was safe from the one that had tried to rape her, and despite her selfish nature, Princess was glad for that. No one deserved to be raped, no matter how many times they put themselves in the way of that danger. Tokyo had been almost-raped, as in, wanting to stop, and that had resulted in Princess and her siblings. . . And judging by what had happened to her siblings, Princess knew rape to be a horrendous act, used on the smaller females of the world. “I’m glad she’s okay,” she mumbled, trying desperately not to lose her indignation. The stranger was right, she supposed, on her good measure of luck. No one was so amazing that they were able to avoid all forms of trouble at all times - not even her. It was an unpleasant thought, that she might one day fall victim to someone that she had been warned about. However, if this stranger was going to kill the man that had attacked her mother, then maybe some of the pack members wouldn’t constantly tell her to be careful. She hated hearing those words.


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