
kanskje d e i terra lupin?


The boy had followed his brother to live with Alexey, and for that he was glad. Not only had he missed his brother, but he'd also realized that staying with his father might not exactly be the best thing for him at the moment. Surely everything would be fine sooner or later, though. He was an optimistic lad, and would refuse to think otherwise - quite clearly the absolute opposite of his brother on that point. No, the world was a shiny place, and nothing could (or ever would) rob him of such a point of view. Thus the child was most of the time in a cheerful mood, and now he was feeling adventurous. He'd ventured into places he'd never been before, and all on his own as well! Gone were the days when simply walking anywhere without an adult was enough to satisfy his need for excitement - no, he had to discover things. And boy if he did today.

........Just walking to the top of a hill in the landscape, the boy suddenly noticed something very large and brown below him, standing there like a stone monument. It was huge, and curiously the boy took some hesitant steps towards it, his tail wagging happily behind it. Hi! The boy moved another step closer to the thing, confident that it could respond in the language which he knew. Oh what a face Conor would make when he told him about this thing! What are you?

Table by Sace/Hemming. Thanks! Big Grin

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