the gold rush was a lie
Miriette didn't like the way the boy spoke but there was little she could do about it. She didn't need anyone to cheer her up, no one could give her what she wanted and that was the only thing that would bring contentment to her soul right now. She rubbed one hand across her face, removing the last traces of her tears as she sighed and shook her head. "It's no use, you can't make someone instantly happy.." Maybe she didn't want to be cheered up either, there was a lot of things she wasn't use to yet and she wasn't certain she wanted to just open up to the rest of the world so quickly. Heath had said to trust no one.. and at times she wondered if perhaps that was the best way to go.

When he smiled when she gave her name she didn't know what to think, while she was use to flirting and teasing the boys she wasn't use to the down right honest ways of some. The cheery grin she was presented with made a slight sad smile appear upon her lips as she eyed his hand as he gave her his own name. Not shaking his hand, just leaving it hanging for a moment she eyed him, wondering if maybe for once she could just try and trust someone. She gave a sigh as she finally reached for his hand, her own unsure and hesitant as she tried his own name out. "Tyrone.." She didn't know if she liked it but it didn't really matter, it wasn't her name after all.

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