tabloid junkie [p.]

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The more the conversation went on the less abrasive the young girl became. Maybe he had been too harsh judging her at first (though, wasn't he almost always?). Sure it was clear she had a bit of a temper on her and needed to learn to watch her mouth, but she didn't seem at all like a bad kid. One that just still had a lot to learn about the world around her. It was this change in his opinion of the youth that made him more receptive to answering her questions. They were going back into the more personal realm of the coyote, but it more about his mission than him exactly, so he was willing to talk about it. "It is my purpose in life. Many do not understand but they do not need to. It has nothing to do with them." He had no reason to justify himself to anyone. He worked for a higher cause. "No. Do this alone. Have always been alone." That statement was only partially true now, but in his mission he was alone.

The next questions were ones he did not feel like answering, at least not wholly. If it had been any other case involving any other person he would not have been so hesitant. But this was Cwmfen. This was his lover. And he felt it was not his place to divulge any specific details. "Not my place to say. He wants to use her body because he feels he has some right to it. But none has any right to another's body." And that was all he was going to say on the matter. If she wanted to snoop out the rest of the info then she was welcome to, but she would not receive any more from him. This was Cwmfen's life and it was not his place to discuss it with members of her pack. If she wanted to share then she could. But Onus had a loyalty to her that he would not risk breaking.


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