that can take it all away
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mall-caps;">don't let me stop you from doing what you wanna do
you don't wanna stick, trust me, it's cool
The last time she had seen the creature that came across her, Haven had been much smaller. However, in comparison to her the young man had been approximately the same. Now, though, he was big and sturdy, somewhat intimidating and undeniably handsome. Had she been any smaller and had she never met him, she might've shrunk away from him, but she knew exactly who he was. He was harmless as far as she was concerned, and anyway, she was old enough to handle herself. Her tail waved brightly behind her as she turned to face Haven Aatte with a wide grin that was untainted by Inferni's traditions and ways yet, and her battish ears flung forward to meet his advance.
Hi, Haven! she greeted him with a laugh, and then admitted quite plainly to the crime: I was just… I dunno actually. But now I guess I'm gonna be here with you! She really was somewhat young at heart; five months old already and still acting just a little younger. Perhaps it would be to her detriment someday, but at the present time Valkyrie de le Poer had little care beyond her life in Inferni and her friends Zana and Haven that had anything to do with breaking that mould.
Woah, cool earring! It's even your favourite colour. she commented (and simultaneously complimented), her golden eyes fixing on the little piece of jewelry pressed into his white ear with a twinkle. She just loved how his one ear was so different from the other; no doubt if she could see the dragon on his wrist from there, she would've been absolutely transfixed and determined to get one for herself. Mischief etched across her features as she eyed it, and when her gaze returned to his own forest-y regard, her tail gave another shake. Where'd ya get it?

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