you're the best i got

Ever since first coming to the beach to relax, and meeting the clans centurion--and discovering a potential friendship--Ryan, Jezebel had felt herself drawn to the cool, clear waters of the coast. So it was fair to assume on a clear and calm evening such as this the ash and white woman would lean toward a relaxing stroll along the shore. She set out in lupus form, enjoying the feel and stretch of each muscle as she made her way down from the caves at an easy lope. With each intake of breath through her sensitive nose Jezebel took in the different scents of clan, some more sharp and recent then others.

One such scent especially caught the red eyed coyotes interest, and she followed it at a trot as she reached the lukewarm sands. Jezebel thought for a moment that she was following Ryan's scent, and thought it would be nice to see the kind younger woman again, but after a moment a tiny figure came into a sight and Jezebel slowed to a walk, trying to discern who it might be in the dim light of dusk. “Hello,” Jezebel called out with a curious tilt of her head, and angling of ears, stopping when she finally came within talking distance.

It turned out it wasn't Ryan after all, but a young girl who could only be Valkyrie. Jezebel had only heard of two youngsters in the clan after all, and she had already met one of them. Zana; the distrustful and verging on annoying youth. “My name is Jezebel.” The woman introduced, giving a brief, disarming wag of her tail. “Having fun?” Jezebel asked, figuring someone her age would be making sand castles or--she supposed--trying to kill birds.


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