the light's gone out inside
mall-caps;">this table was touched by Misery

She wished she could have told Akumu. She figured that Akumu would probably have known what Phasma would have enjoyed as a final viewpoint. Fatin somehow, just wanted someone to stand beside her and go "yeah, that's what she would have wanted' or condemn her for putting Phasma somewhere that she would be miserable for all her days. "I hope so...that's one of those things you just dont think to talk about." She said quietly. "People are too afraid to talk about it really...I Know I am." If she died, who would bury her? Who would be the one to think of where to put her? The only place she felt at home enough was in her own solitary den in Jaded Shadows. There, she could properly return to the earth without stinking up the pack's den space.

"I know..." She said quietly, looking at him for a moment before she took a deep breath. "She had so much sadness in her past....maybe it just weighed her down too far." How did Fatin survive then? She was too afraid to die. "At least it wasn't painful, at least that she let on. It seemed peaceful, quiet." The best way to go, no doubt. No pain, no remorse. Just peacefully dipping into slumber for the final, deep, everlasting rest.


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