the light's gone out inside
If sorrow could truly weight someone down to the point where they simply gave up, then Valentine found himself suddenly wanting to find something else to do. Something to take his mind out of the vicious cycle of thought and all of those what ifs that threw themselves at the gate. He felt like Fatin could afford to be upset about the entire thing because after all, it was her daughter that they were talking about. She knew so much more about her, leaving Valentine to vaguely grasp at his emotions awkwardly. He was by no means overly emotional, but there was something about the rapid succession of everything that had left him feeling raw. He forced his gaze to meet hers, although he would have sooner looked at his own feet on the ground.

In fact, he would have sooner wanted to change the subject to evade a depressive story time, but couldn't help but ponder even that. Now wasn't the right time to probe Fatin for what it was that had bogged his sitter down. “I wished I could have gotten to know her better,” he commented, feeling even the slightest tinges of anger creep back in his bottom of his stomach. It was hard to not be resentful for being taken away from the place, away from the faces he was most familiar with, but now he was being resentful for other reasons. “My mother told me before I came back here and that this was a miserable place. I only thought she was saying that to deter me, but so far I haven't met anyone who hasn't had a miserable past.” Though that wasn't true, it seemed that way. Deuce had hinted about being run out of a home, Phasma had hinted and spoke of a darker part of her life. Now he was simply living his own, being so fresh and new into the old mould of things.

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