She wants to be like the water

indent Gabriel frowned. His niece talked far too much for his liking, though he often dealt with Faolin in the same way. Shifting his weight in the snow and ignoring the urge for a cigarette, he shrugged. “Yes, I suppose so.” His tone indicated he did not want to elaborate. What exactly he felt for the woman carrying his children was personal. “You’ll understand that when you’re older.” It felt like he was lying when he said that, but she would. Eventually.

indent As she explained her situation, his eyes darkened and turned cloudy. Rikka had been unable to shift. Perhaps Empusa just had bad genes. “You’re what, eight months old? You should be able to. It takes work, and practice,” he paused, tail curling around his side. “But some people have more trouble with it then others.”


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