before you tell yourself
Gonna be short, because I’m at school <3

it's just a different scene

Phoenix had been getting worse and worse as the days went by, ever since he and Pilot had fought with the cougar. She knew that being in cold water for that long couldn’t be a good thing…but wasn’t much of a healer, herself. There were a few things that she could do, like keep him warm and full of fluids, but that was how far her knowledge went. Maybe they would have to get outside help, from another pack.

Dierdre sat next to Phoenix, making sure that he was all the way covered by the animal skins, to keep him a little warmer. There were times that he felt really hot and times that he felt very, very cold…she alternated between putting more skins over him and taking more of them off. A small fire was going right outside the den, meaty broth bubbling over it.


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