seasons don't fear the reaper - p

I'm not sure where this is set in AniWaya, but i'll have Asha obviously come to where he's at. 500+ WotD: Daedal

          Her Spirit Guide was peculiar, mainly for the fact that the hawk constantly invaded her dreams. It seemed to be as if it was a personal playground with his, conducting the movies of her slumber, and when things were about to get intense, would instantly snip the films of her mind off. Jaya had done so a couple times, namely with anything that consisted of a dangerous feat, or even with the reveries of Leland. Last night, however, the Amara was in some sort of blurry conflict within her mind that Jaya let run for quite sometime, and her presence in her subconscious was even begging Jaya to end her dream, which at the time of its happening, was quite vivid and daedal. For some reason, Jaya's softly put words through her mind didn't make a sound or word, and continued to let the scene play on its own accord. The nightmare was so vague afterward that when her soft amber eyes opened gently to the world that was in the here and now, she instantly forgot. Whatever it was, however, it was drawn out and painful to her psyche, and awoke her in an eerie gentle manner with her flesh underneath her fur cold and her heart beat racing.

          Asha usually rose early on some select days to tend to her equine; mainly feeding him his usual supplements of what was called "breakfast" and some treats later on. Spoiled horse. It seemed as if Aidan ate better than she did, but it was all in the routine of keeping that bond of trust. He was a wiley one, just like herself, but managed to keep hold of his temperament every now and then. Running her fingers through her crimson hair, her amber eyes squinted at the brightness of the sun rising for the day. Arising from the confines of her cabin, it felt great to sleep in her own bed again, despite sleeping on the cold hard ground from when she went on her journey to find her younger sister and the second group of AniWayans that didn't come to these lands.

          Seeing as how she was temporarily out of carrots for Aidan, Asha decided to take a brisk stroll through the morning to reach the harvesting grounds just so she could grab a few and return quickly. She had decided to leave Aidan at home, seeing as how walking at this point could get her there faster than riding. Along the way, there was an individual up ahead; one that was ivory, male, and someone who she didn't recognize. Her head inclined to its side softly, trying to place the scent and appearance of the male, but couldn't match a name to a face at all. Continuing with her strolling, she slowed a comfortable distance away, her tone bemusing on her lips. "And I thought I was crazy for getting up this early in the morning." There was an evident smirk splayed across her muzzle, showing that she was being her typical sarcastic, witty self.


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