tabloid junkie [p.]

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Guessing we can close up in the next couple posts Smile


It was a lonely life, the one he lead. It always had been and he had never truly craved or desired the company of others. From some of his earliest days he had been feared by others because of something he could not control. The only person he had ever been close to in his youth had been his mother and she had turned on him with the intent to kill him. Him, her only son. Because she believed him to be some demon. After that he had been shut down emotionally. All those urges to seek comfort around others had been cut off. Only with his relationship with Cwmfen had they started to grow again. Though even now it was only her company he wanted, no one else's. "Perhaps. But have always been alone. Suits me fine." He was not a social creature and he never had been.

Yes, he had seen what the crow wolf could do. He himself carried evidence of it on his own body. The scarred tissue on his neck and shoulder twitched with the thought of it. Whenever he thought of it it always seemed to do that. Twitch. As if in recognition that it was being acknowledged in his mind. He had almost died the night that wound had been inflicted upon him. But he hadn't, thanks to Cwmfen and the medical attention of that dark wolf. Onus nodded his head to her words about the situation, finding no verbal response necessary. "Of course," that rough monotone replied. It was good that this girl was looking after her mother. It didn't sound like the woman had received any near fatal injuries, but injuries didn't have to be that bad to cause a lot of pain and difficulty.

As she asked his name he was impressed by what she added to the end. Perhaps this girl, Princess, was better able to understand him than he had first given her credit for. Indeed, as the conversation had gone on she had softened and was much more likable. It was for these reasons that he felt comfortable giving her his name. Very few were allowed to hear it from his own lips, but she had shown her worth in his eyes. "My name is Onus."


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