Closer, shadow, volume strikes
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The tall female wandered closer, finding the glow of his coat overpowering the dark that surrounded them. Maybe if she stepped into his light, she would not have to fight the shadows. Mati smiled, again trying to give the personification that she was safe and feeling fine. But part of her knew that Lannen would be able to tell no matter what sort of face she put on.

His words were uplifting, in a humorous way. Purple eyes looked at the sly smile, and could not help but let a genuine grin on her own maw. He always had something like that to say, something a little witty or sarcastic. He made her laugh, though the joke was never too apparent. Arms across her chest Mati walked towards the male and followed him to sit on the fallen log.

I’m better. The young woman let a smile cross her face, glad she was able to speak the truth. Settling down in the glow of the silver coated male she gave a small shrug, her mind drifted back to the pain of her memories and her arms. I got turned around, I’m embarrassed to say. She paused, looking back out into the night from where she had originated. I had been swimming Eyes went back to the male, wondering if he would be impressed that she had used the techniques he had shown her.

table by Syd


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