dance with the devil in the pale moonlight
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Party yaay!! =D

Reflected firelight gleamed in his dark eyes as he took another swig from his flagon, wiping his mouth on the same white-furred arm. The home-brewed whiskey could have used some flavouring - honey, malt, anything really - but it was high proof and would certainly serve its purpose. Besides, after the first few gulps, the sour taste didn't really matter anymore...

Moonlight made the pale sands shine like a river of silver, and it was not long before he spotted the first soul arriving, slinking low to the ground with her yellow eyes glowing. "All work and no play makes for a dull life," he purred in response, watching as the Constable straightened up to shift, her proportions stretching tall and lanky as her red mane tumbled freely over her narrow shoulders. It did not take long, and by the time she had finished assuming her birthright, the sinuous collie-hybrid had settled his jug into the sand at his feet and stood, crossing the distance between them. "Dance we shall, but first we'll need music..." His folded ears twitched at the rustling sounds of others approaching. He brushed his fingers under her chin, winking flirtatiously before turning to face the next arrivals.

Hand in hand came the young couple, his Knight and the new recruit that had supposedly left the clan Inferni. He had not yet met her face to face, and was pleasantly surprised to see her diminutive features as they both reached the warm glow from the crackling bonfire. "Yes, yes, greetings, Haven - and mon Dieu, what an adorable little creature you've brought to us tonight!" He brushed past the orange-furred hybrid, looming in to peer at Siobhan's brilliant ruby eyes. They had a different sheen to them than the "flawed" red eyes he had seen in another coyote, but the long ears and cherubic facial structure were one and the same. "Siobhan is a delightful name, mademoiselle. I trust that you are enjoying your stay with us so far?" He tilted his head, mischievous smile playing on his noble countenance. Then Haven distracted him, effortlessly diverting his attention back to the alcohol he had toiled to brew. "These, my dear friends, are flagons of moonshine! White lightning, Eau de vie, gnôle, goutte... It is free for all to share, to celebrate this night and bask in each others' company! Just do not get the drinks too close to the flames, or you will be sorry...!" He whirled dramatically, plumed tail waving behind him as he walked to greet the next canines to approach the gathering.

The next pair to arrive were not a couple, but rather his sweet blind companion and the colourful man he had admitted days prior. It pleased him to see that the former loner was already adapting, willing to offer his assistance to the sightless female. "Ruri, ma petite! You have made it! Come, warm yourself by the fire. You are not allowed to touch the jugs," he added quickly, forbidding her as always from drinking. No one else had the kind of restrictions that he imposed on his little sidekick, but she rarely protested his protective treatment. "And good to see you again, monseiur Von Rosnete!" Amazingly, he had remembered the rust-maned wolf's name... a rare occurrence. Then again, he always thought that being drunk made him smarter - perhaps it was true. He clapped his good arm on the man's back, ushering him towards the heart of the gathering.

A third figure made his way forward, dark cape blending in with the shadows until the firelight made the iridescent feathers gleam. "Bonsoir, Tallon! Welcome to the party!" he crowed, excitement filling him with a boundless energy. So many already had answered his call, and there were still more that could arrive - the last two founding members, and any joiners that Svara had admitted. The king drifted back to his second-in-command's side, surveying the growing crowd with undisguised pride. "Ah, it is a good night to be alive, is it not?" he exhaled happily, one hand planted firmly on his hip. This was the life!


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