dance with the devil in the pale moonlight

She stretched once she had changed, the feeling of her hair falling down her back and around her shoulders was strange, since she usually kept it up. Maybe just this once it gave her the beauty of a female. Jac responded to her question and it made her smirk lightly, no hard look on her face tonight, only a girls smile. He came to her and brushed his fingers under her chin making the red she wolf laugh as he winked. This was something they all needed. He left her to greet the others, something Jacquez was better at then she. Since she wasn't much for greeting and happy smiles she just watched as they came.

Siobhan and Haven came first. The sight of the beautiful girl made Svara's heart fall. She really could come to hate the girl. It wasn't a true malious. Svara hated the self pity she was feeling, but you couldn't control what you felt, you had to live with it or let it go. She went for the jug Jac had set down. Taking up the large container she took in some of the moonshine. It was sour and strong going down her throat, but it felt good to have the liquid on her tounge. The constable had to watch how much she had, because she knew when she was drunk she let down her guard.

The sound of Ruri calling out almost made Svara move to go to her, but she saw as Strelein came to her first. Setting the jug down she was thankful she didn't have to go to the girls side. She wasn't one for helping much, but if it was Ruri she had a weakness for the female. Svara was surprised to see someone she hadn't met yet. A male that came welcoming Jacquez openly. The king must have accepted someone. Watching the new male she didn't find any need to introduce herself, he would learn on his own who she was if he was smart.

Almost everyone was here. Some of the others would come when they were ready. Already the king was back by her side with a happy air around him. Svara just smirked at his additude. "mmmmhmmm" Svara agreed arms now crossed over her chest. Svara's yellow eyes didn't miss as Ayita came. The girl seemed like the type that didn't know how to socialize much. Leaning in towards Jac's ear she spoke to him. "The girl her name is Ayita. It be good for you to welcome her." Svara said, she remembered how harsh she had been to the girl that night caught in the rain. Leaning back from the king she wondered if she should get drunk after all so this would be over quicker. Yellow eyes strayed over to the white girl again in her pretty dress. A growl emitted from her throat before she went and picked up the jug again, better get drunk fast.


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