dance with the devil in the pale moonlight
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She didn't know if anyone else wore clothing besides her, if it was an appropriate thing for a member to be doing here in this place. She hadn't been here for long, and so far she only knew Svara and Haven. She had a feeling that the red-furred leader didn't like her much, and planned to keep out of her way as best she could. She didn't want to cause problems...and even though she did know how to fight it didn't mean that she wanted to use her skills. She didn't like fighting one bit. This kind of merry gathering, though...she liked this. Inferni hadn't had something like this.

Siobhan shrank back behind Haven's side as she realized that they were going to be greeted, her ears going back a little, showing her discomfort. She wanted to be a part of this, yes, but she didn't know how to. She'd never seen a meeting like this before. Everyone looked really happy, smiling, though. She wanted that too. The girl gave the King a quick nod, unsure of what sort of a response was required from her. Should she have bowed? He was a King, after all. "Ah..yes, sir. Siobhan likes it here--Haven showed her around. It's a very nice place"

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