dance with the devil in the pale moonlight
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Haven hadn't even thought that Siobhan had likely never been to a gathering like this before. As she shrank back he squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. Hopefully this hadn't been a mistake, bringing her to the bonfire. He wanted her to have a good time and so far it didn't seem like she was. Maybe she was just overwhelmed for the moment and she would adjust. Though if at any point she wanted to leave he would take her home. Though he was glad to distract the King with his question about the jugs. He had had a feeling it was something the man had worked hard on and would no doubt love to explain. Ah, so their fearless leader had brewed them all some alcohol. Haven had abstained from the stuff since leaving the city, but maybe a drink or two wouldn't hurt.

"Would you like to go have a drink?" he asked, looking down at Siobhan. Though he looked back up as he heard Ruri call out and asked for assistance. He was about ready to go to her, but Strelein showed up just in time to help their blind member. He wanted to introduce Ruri and Siobhan as well, but that itch for a drink had become strong in the back of his mind. Taking her hand again he walked them over to the nearest jug and lifted it up. "Cheers!" He said with a dazzling grin and took a long swig. Man, this stuff was strong! He'd have to be careful not to drink too much of it.


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