dance with the devil in the pale moonlight
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ooc -

Wooo~ I'm assuming that he knows Talon's name, since they had a thread.

ic -

The howl was not a heavy one, so Vigilante was more than happy as he strode to where he knew the pack was gathering. His long, muscular legs took him there faster than he would have arrived in his lupus form, as he simply preferred this form to the other. It felt more natural, just as it felt more natural to go without clothing. It seemed that Jacquez had a similar feeling, Vigilante realized as he approached the group, as the king was in the same form he'd been in when they had first met. More of the pack was there, including Talon, whom he had met shortly after joining the pack. There was also the little fiery female, shifted and, it seemed, nowhere near as angry as she had been.

His muddy eyes travelled to the jugs on the ground, and to everyone that was there already. Evidently, there was going to be some drinking tonight. No worries, he thought bto himself. Stay over to the side. The mixed male never drank, as it caused him to lose his composure and his guard. His former profession had not allowed him even the occasional drink, and even though he was in a new pack with a new life, the habit would likely stick. Too many times had he seen those that were drunk; they were often his targets, and they were never capable of defense. Drinking led to the inability to think, and Vigilante liked to keep all of his senses available for him at a moment's notice.

"Hello, everyone. I hope I'm not too late to join the party?" he growled happily, his tone joking. Jacquez was with the less-angry female (for he still did not know her name), and it seemed everyone was grouping together. The pale, shifted female standing off to the side looked lonely. Vigilante strode towards her with a gentle smile, holding out one of his hands to take one of hers as he reached her. He winked at her before speaking, but it was only a friendly wink. "Good evening, Miss. You have a lovely outfit," he added, hoping that she would not be one to feel awkward aboput his not wearing clothes when she was. "My name is Vigilante. And you might be. . . ?"


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