before you tell yourself
One more post from Pilot, or one from Pilot and a few from some other peeps, and I'll bring Naniko in.

it's just a different scene

Sometimes it was easier for her to pretend that everything was okay...that she definitely knew what she was doing. What if her actions made him worse, and not better? She didn't know what she would do. Physe had left the earth already, and she hadn't been there for him. She would be there for /this/ one of her father's. With that resolution she looked toward Pilot, listening to his words. Outside help?

Dierdre considered this. She really was out of her league here...and Phoenix didn't seem to be getting any better. She nodded, then looked toward the den entrance. "I'll...go see if I can find Selene. She might be able to go over to Clouded Tears and get Naniko. I know that Naniko will know what to do--she's about the same age as me, but the animals that have come over here have been talking a lot about her and her medicine. She's Selene's...sister? I'm not sure. I think they're sisters. So maybe Selene can convince her to come."

She nodded to herself at the idea of it, then started out the front of the den. "Watch him for me? And the broth--it's almost warm enough. There are bowls next to it...maybe you can get him to eat some of it. He should swallow it if you can find some way to get it into his mouth"


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