dance with the devil in the pale moonlight

The blind girl was surprised when her request for assistance was answered so quickly, by someone she did not know. When he took her by the hand, her half-folded ears flattened timidly as she followed behind the male. It was not in her nature to let people touch her without her first initiating the action. It just made her uncomfortable to suddenly be flooded by the sensations that the touch created. She was immediately aware of how this male's hands and fur felt, and she didn't even have a name to attach to these unique features. However, he was helping her, so that led the slightly timid girl to relax a bit.

Upon entering the cave, she heard Jac's voice again and she smiled in amusement. He certainly hadn't wasted any time in repeating one of his oldest rules to her, no alcohol of any kind. Once she was inside, the girl removed her hand gently from the male's grasp, "Thank you for the help. I'm Ruri...Ruri Aceline, Duchess of Cour des Miracles. It's a pleasure to meet you, Monseiur Von Rosnete," she finished, adding the French title to the male's surname. What little french she knew she had gleaned from her time with Jac and she knew monseiur was was the french way of saying sir, it just sounded prettier.

Now that the delicate optime was at the celebration, she wandered over towards Jac, wrapping her arms around him in a brief hug. "Don't drink too much, Jac. You'll get a headache tomorrow if you do," she warned, with a girlish laugh of amusement. She knew Jac would disregard her warning, but she had given it just the same. It was her duty as his friend to try and save him the discomfort of a hangover. She herself had never experienced one, due to her forced abstinence from alcohol, but from what she had learned from Jac she did not ever want to experience one.


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