dance with the devil in the pale moonlight
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"We are so much alike"

Svara just nodded as the king went off to great Ayita. Parties were hard for her, she didn't fit in well with them, or large crowds. Sitting down in a clear area with her own liquor that she had no intention of giving to anyone she took a long gulp. It tasted good and was strong and it went down. Where was Leroy when she needed him? Her ex-mate was good for keeping her company when she was being anti-social. Looking at all of them she had a feeling that she was afraid to be around them. Afraid she wouldn't know how to fit in. It was stupid, but she was a girl after all, even when she acted so tough.

Taking another long drink she set the jug down next to her. Already the constable felt the affects of what she was doing. She figured half way through the large container she would be out. Of course she also remembered the last time she had gotten shit faced. Leroy found her in the woods, some sex, some vomitting, some passing out, some more sex. Was this really a good idea? Nope. Svara took another pull of liquor into her mouth. Watching them all speak to each other she wondered if she could some how blend into the background and get through this unnoticed. She didn't want to leave, it would hurt Jac she was sure of it. God she liked that stupid king to much.


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