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          Her ivory jaws formed into an "o" shape, silently admitting the word oh when Cercelee spoke of where Avarice and the brothers had ran off too this morning and for the day. Catalyst wished she too had their energy to get up early and run off to play with them like she didn't have a single care in the world, but things changed now. Everything was different. The more change that was brought about, the more that Catalyst wasn't liking it whatsoever. Maybe it was the fact that life wasn't all sunshine and easy as one thought it was in the beginning; it was all starting to come out to her now, in a shocking and alarming rate.

          There had been something that made Catalyst upset even more. Catharsis. The last night before, her opposite told Catalyst that she had to run off in search of their mother. Catharsis had a feeling, a really good feeling, that she knew where Anyanka was at. Catalyst didn't know how Catharsis felt such a thing, but she was so sure of herself that it convinced Catalyst enough to where she might as well just knew what she was doing. Catharsis, just like the rest of her siblings, were terribly young yet, and even Catalyst felt some sort of worried nature for her sibling, the one that was considered her worst enemy and best friend in the same. What if the monster puppy eater got to her somewhere out there? Catalyst wouldn't know what to do if anything bad happened to Catharsis, or the rest of her siblings.

          Hearing as how Cercelee noticed that Catharsis had not returned to the church in two nights, it was news that Catalyst almost didn't want to tell her. For the fact that Miss Cercelee sounded so disappointed about it, maybe Catalyst was afraid that Cercelee would get angry that Catharsis left the way she did. Her ears flattened against her ivory skull, her own voice low. "Miss Cercelee..." Catalyst trailed off at first, not sure of what correct wording to use. There was a deep breath taken, and then the first born spilled it all out on the floor to her. "Catharsis is gone. She left to go look for mom! I told her though that it was dangerous, that there's monster puppy eaters an' monsters an' things with black eyes an' things that'll drink your blood an' terrible creatures an' that mommy isn't really here anymore an' that she doesn't care about us anymore an' that she's gone for good an' it's not my fault I swear it isn't I told her not to go i'm so sorry Miss Cercelee I didn' say anything!" That was a huge run on sentence for Catalyst, in which she didn't stop talking until she felt as if her lungs were going to explode. When falling silent, she was then anxious to hear what Cercelee was to say about all the quick information given to her in one long sentence.


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