Oh this isn't good

     Skylar appeared rather quickly, an unexpected surprise that the cyclops evidently find pleasure in, as proven by the stone-faced expression he maintained. She was young and reckless, and but he knew her well; Jefferson was far from any idiots she'd ever dealt with, but it became obvious to him that she thought herself much more clever than was in actuality. He snorted and frowned, peering down at the coyote after it had fallen into a heap on the ground, only to whine and beg and give Skylar the most clueless look that only verified his suspicions further. Not only that, but Ty suddenly jumped into a pacifist mentality (he'd always been a bit blissfully ignorant) and the whole situation began a spiral that the cyclops needed to quickly remedy.

     "Enough, all of you," he groaned, running a hand through his hair. The first course of action was their intruder, at whom Jefferson sighed and motioned at. "Get up, you're not going to die. Who are you? Don't you know your clan and Phoenix Valley are on bad terms?" Why was he showing mercy? Was it because Ty and Skylar were standing right there? He scratched at his nose and sent a rather pointed, knowing glance at Skylar quickly, brashly dismissing her efforts as useless without a word. Why she would defend an Inferni man he didn't know, but Jefferson was slowing becoming aware that she wasn't the child she had once been and that he had little reason to trust her anymore. His gaze returned to Ty, however, only then recalling the scream he'd heard before. "There's a bear in the area? What happened?" If his former apprentice had a run-in with a grizzly, he'd been lucky to get away. For the one-armed Jefferson, he hadn't been quite as fortunate.


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