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Do you want them in lupus or luperci form?

Geneva's lime green eyes turned upward to ponder the stretch of blue sky above them. It had been stormy all week, and it was nice to look up and see blue instead of gray. Still, Geneva felt the moisture in the air and knew that it would likely rain again, probably later in the day. Despite the storms, there was still heat in the air. It was summertime, and that was to be expected. Still, she found the weather at odds with the season. At least now she could enjoy the weather, perhaps in the company of this young man.

"It is a nice change of pace," she said, her eyes returning to his face. She had seen him concentrating on something as she approached. She didn't know what he had been doing or concentrating on, but Geneva was an observer by nature. It was both a skill and necessity she had had to hone in order to keep details straight. "My name is Geneva Stockholm," she said, introducing herself with a smile.

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