seasons don't fear the reaper - p
Lannen looked up as a scent caught his attention. He lifted his brown eyes just in time to see flame-haired woman approaching. His brows furrowed as he realized that he was no longer alone. He guessed he couldn't really do anything about it. She smelled like tribe, and they were both on tribal land. He wasn't in his own personal den, so he couldn't exactly ask her to leave without being rude. Despite feeling unsettled, Lannen didn't go out of his way to be rude. He tried to be civil, even if it cost him precious little patience.

He couldn't think of her name, and he knew he hadn't met her. Lannen had been pretty lousy at meeting anyone, although he had arrived here almost half a year ago. He had been too busy trying to find himself to seek out much of anyone else. He could count on the fingers of one hand the creatures he had met and stayed in contact with - Ember, Mati, Leland, and Pilot. Of course, his long lost brother had embarked upon a journey to the place of their origins, leaving Lannen here in these strange lands. He had never gotten to meet his brother, not really. He just hoped one day he could actually get to know him. Despite his solitude, he found himself craving some sort of connection, especially to the wolf he shared blood with.

His mouth twisted into a frown at the strange woman's remark. She seemed young - younger than he was, at any stretch. He arched an eyebrow as he regarded her. "Crazy's one word for it," he said noncommitally.

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