
Icarus hadn’t known what to do – his father hadn’t said barely a word since coming back soggy and weak from the river. The chocolate brown boy sat next to the recuperating form of his dad and watched him with sparkling eyes. He knew that he couldn’t cry if he wanted to be strong, but he was just so scared. With mom gone, Phoenix was the only parent present at home. And with the position he was in, Icarus suddenly felt immensely alone. Sure, the other wolves of Storm were there to look after the pups, but Icarus still felt a void that could only be filled by the mobile and lively figure of his father.

He sat close to his side, listening to the sound of the crackling fire and watching his father’s chest rise and fall. Though Pilot and Dierdre were talking to one another, he barely heard the words. Instead, he focused completely on the fallen alpha. When would he get better? Or would he ever? The thought of losing his father was more than the small child could bear, so he preferred to try and avoid thoughts of it.

Whining barely audible, Icarus moved close to his father’s side and curled up on the skins next to him. He rested his small head upon his paws, feeling the minimal warmth from his father’s body. Even if he father wasn’t awake, Icarus felt close to him just by being at his side.


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