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Ty chuckled as Asariel suddenly seemed slightly defensive, asking if it was a bad thing to be here for four months. He quickly responded in a calm and comforting fashion. "No, not at all, I just wanted to gauge how much effort you've taken into meeting people." He then turned to her and chuckled. He wasn't going to judge her on that, but the fact she was musing about not really knowing anyone all that well after four months had piqued Ty's interest, why hadn't she gotten to know someone after that long? Was she anti-social? Did she not want to? Or was it that she hadn't found the right person to talk to? Ty simply shrugged it off however, maybe she'd explain it, but drawing his own conclusions was something he tended to avoid, as he usually found he was wrong.

So far he was enjoying Asariel's company however, she seemed friendly enough. Something was telling him that she was much more social then he had previously thought, as she was beginning to open up more and more as they were talking. He ran his hand through the blades of grass as he spoke again. "What brought you to Pheonix Valley anyway?"

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