Oh this isn't good
I guess so >.> I think I can post now....

Ty sighed as everyone had begun to calm down, soon followed by explanations. Ty already knew that Skylar was lying through her teeth, he could tell by the confusion plastered on the coyote's face, and that fact his sister had winked at the little wolf, a fairly easy thing to read. He frowned at his sister's explanation, giving her a 'you aren't fooling anyone' look before responding to her jeers. "Bears and pirates are entirely different to fight, and I'm not going to fight and possibly kill a mother bear, even if I do have a chance to do so." He said in a sudden serious tone, not enjoying his sister's jeers about his former life fighting pirates. It was true, he was a good fighter, and had the scars to prove it, but he wasn't just going to fight every challenge that came at him.

When Jefferson told the coyote that Infernis and Phoenix Valley were at odds, Ty was shocked at first, but then realized that this might have been what his father may have been upset about. But why on Earth were Phoenix Valley and infernis at odds? It's not like he saw open warfare between the two, this was actually the first time he even caught wind of the idea. He'd have to talk to Jefferson about why the two packs weren't on good terms. Apparantly this little coyote had no idea of the conflict either.

Turning to Jefferson, Ty explained himself. "Why yes Jefferson, there is a mother bear and her cubs up on that mountain there." He said as he extended his finger in the direction he had run from. "A really big one too, about the size of a male Grizzly, very protective too. I was taking a rest ear there cave, apparently the mother was threatened by my appearance and chased me away." He said. "A powerful one she was, I got out of there by the skin of my teeth..." Ty had heard of Jefferson's entanglement with a beast like that, but he'd never said anything about it, due to Jefferson's concern, he guessed that Jefferson had a hard time with that encounter. "She wouldn't follow me much farther, so I'm guessing the mother bear was just protecting her children, she's not after wolf meat."

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