that can take it all away
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Tch, I love Haven! He's so sweet. And so hot. Homnomnom.

Oh, so she'd get two, would she?
That was even more exciting!
She didn't say it, but Valkyrie could hardly wait for time spent with Haven when she could be of some use. An apprentice to him maybe, or capable of doing more than walking and talking. The form she was in was seriously limited when it came to life in the present, and she knew soon enough she would be well out of it, but until then she was doomed to be of little use to anybody. Still, it didn't perturb her any from the possibility of further time spent with the creamsicle wolf that was standing before her.
Momentarily, she sought his green gaze with no real explanation for having done so. The hybrid in her knew that eye contact with wolves was wrong, and hers dropped immediately following the fact, but not before her vibrant gold-yellow had shone for them. At mention of "the pack", she found herself slightly confused — like their clan? — but did not comment too much on that confusion. In time all would be revealed. Instead, the golden maned wolf lookalike was content to dwell on specifics: What do you do in your pack?

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