twist and shout, checkers and sunrises

Word Count: 311

Apparently her spirit guide did not appreciate his move, and was suddenly there watching the game, hissing at the board. Dawali liked snakes - they were in a way useful for his trade as a medic - but he couldn't hear whether a hiss was disapproving or not. Catherine seemed to interpret him better (as she should, in truth), and corrected his bad behavior. The male had simply assumed he wished to participate, and he couldn't entirely understand why the spirit didn't choose to simply speak normally, although it was naturally none of his business, and it would be extremely rude to ask. As Catherine then explained what had in fact gone down, Dawali couldn't help but glance at the snake and then make a face of disapproval - of his own move, that was. Secretly, a little voice inside him yelled as he was a little bit offended by both the snake and Catherine's arrogant behavior, but he buried this deep inside of him. It was not his place to be offended by such trivial matters - as the leader of the pack he had to accept every member as they were, and as along as they did not break the law his behavior towards them had to be exemplary. Shooting the girl a small smile as if to reassure her that he had not been offended, even if he had, he let his gaze fall down to the board again without a word. It was like a gigantic puzzle.

He looked at her, still uncertain as to what to do, even if he now understood what had happened and how the game went down. Choosing another piece, further from the piece she had taken his piece with the round before, he moved this one, also, forward at random. There wasn't that much he could do right now, was there?

Awesome sexy table and avatar by Kat! Big Grin

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